DIY | Session 6 - Zero Waste-Christmas-Party
In unserer Rubrik DIY - "Do it Yourself" stellen wir ausgewählte und handgemachte Bau- und Bastelprojekte vor. Wir hauchen alten Möbeln,...
DIY | Session 6 - Zero Waste-Christmas-Party
Green travelling in Norway | Session 1/6 - Where the road ends the journey begins!
DIY | Session 5 - Unwrapped X-Mas
Project apartment no. 2 | Et voilà!
DIY | Session 4 - Sommerfeeling @ HOME
Project apartment no. 2 | Part 2
Grab a spoon | Homemade Breakfast @ Phoenicia
Project apartment no. 2 | Part 1
DIY | Session 3 - Mr. Johnny Gothmund
Trips & Tips | Session 4
DIY | Session 2 - kitchen shelf
DIY | Session 1
Trips & Tips | Session 3
Grab a spoon | Zucchini Chutney
Grab a spoon | Tabbouleh
Trips & Tips | Session 2
Live like a local in der Lilienstraße